• Add component prop based on condition

    Add component prop based on condition in ReactJS

    In this article we will discuss how to add or pass a component prop based on a condition. Lets have a component named MyButtonComponent that takes a prop name Now I need to pass this prop based on a flag called hasName of type Boolean We can do this using the spread operator What are we doing? We are using spread operator to spread the object {name: “some text”} or an empty object {} based on the value of our flag hasName. To check the condition we are using ternary operator. So the component have name prop or no prop named name Hope it helps, happy coding… 🍺

  • ReactJS

    Add Twitter timeline in ReactJS

    Go to https://publish.twitter.com to get the embed code. Copy the embed code The embed code will look like this Goto index.html in your public folder in your ReactJS app. I assume you created the app via CRA Cut the script tag from the embed code inside your head tag in index.html Now we have only the first line that’s the anchor (“a”) tag. Added the anchor tag in you component wherever you need to show it. Now we need to load the twitter embed code. Do this to load twitter embed code For Class component For Functional component, use the useLayoutEffect hook Happy coding 🍺

  • JavaScript,  ReactJS

    Recharts show legend on top of chart

    Use below to move Recharts legend to top of the graph. In fact you can position the legends any where (top, right, bottom , left, left top, left middle etc) you like. I have added few code samples for that corresponding images. Please go through it. I am using a Pie chart, so the above code will show legend on top of the chart and it looks like this. Lets try few other styles The overall code looks like this.

  • ReactJS

    React Table 7.x – Hide Column Header Row

    Scenario: I am using the new React Table 7x (the headless component). By default there will be a column header for the entire table columns. You can give empty string so that the Header will not be shown. By the problem is that row in html will be still rendered (see the below image). So I want to hide the entire row in html. I am using Material Table with react-table to render the table. Solution Add a custom key hideHeader: false, in the columns variable. In the Material table check for this key. This should remove the empty row from html output. Happy coding 🌟 🎄 🎅 🦌

  • ReactJS

    File upload in Material UI

    For basic file upload you can use the TextField component. The code will looks something like this. The important thing to note here is you need to set the type props to file How do you customize it? As the basic controls are not that fancy we may need to customize it. Since we are using Material UI its straight forward. Step 1 Create an html input with id and file properties. Use style='display:none' as we don’t want to show it. The code will look like this Step 2 : Customize it Create a label around the input which we created in step 1Add Material UI Button or Fab based…

  • ReactJS

    React environment variables not working or undefined

    In ReactJS environment variables are fetched from .env files. If you set the variable in .env file and your variables returned undefined check the below items. Assumption: You have used Create React App (CRA) to bootstrap your application The .env file should be in the root for you application folder. That is one level above your src folder, the same place where you have your package.json The variable should be prefixed with REACT_APP_ You need to restart the server to reflect the changes in your code. You should access the variable in your code like this process.env.REACT_APP_SOME_VARIABLE No need to wrap your variable value in single or double quotes. Do…

  • ReactJS

    Warning when using withRouter with new React Context API

    React version : > 16.6 Getting this warning when using Context API with withRouter Warning: withRouter(Home): Function components do not support contextType. This happens when use the React context API like this Home.contextType = AppContext; export default withRouter( Home ); // warning is triggering here To fix this we need to use hoist-non-react-statics to automatically copy all non-React static methods. I used hoist-non-react-statics version 3.1.0. Install `hoist-non-react-statics` using command `npm i hoist-non-react-statics` Link here Import it in your file import hoistNonReactStatics from 'hoist-non-react-statics'; After importing, export your component like this Home.contextType = AppContext; export default hoistNonReactStatics( Home, withRouter ( Home) ); Related reading here, here and here