Kiran Paul VJ

☀️ <Computer Engineer /> <Coder /> <Doer /> <Maker />

tech suff | travel

Computer engineer interested in programming, electronics, application architecture, data visualization, automation and performance optimization. 25 year total coding experience, 15 year career experience includes working with American Express, Verizon, Saudi Aramco, Weatherford, Dun & Bradstreet.

Currently keeping busy with JAM stack and GraphQL.

Recently more into front end technologies like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript mobile web/ mobile native development using NodeJS, ReactJS, Redux, Angular to name a few. Has worked using D3, ReCharts, jQuery, Prototype, Dust, and in C++, ASP, PHP, MFC, VisualBasic, ActionScript, Photoshop (from v4.0), CorelDraw, Adobe Flash (from v3.0[then Macromedia]).

Uses PHP for personal projects for service calls with ReactJS as frontend. Once in a while uses Photoshop, CorelDraw and Flash.

Other interests are electronics, physics, arts, raspberryPi, circuit design, grey hat, easter eggs, beaches, country side, grilling in snow and gardening ...

Career start year - 2003, coding started way before that =]:P)

First computer - ZX Spectrum(early 90s), mainly used to do programming in BASIC

Places worked - Kochi, B'lore, Hyderabad, Phoenix (Arizona), Dallas (Texas), Middle East.

Stack Overflow profile

profile for kiranvj on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&A sites

Experts-Exchange - 567,880 points
